1.法律英语就该这么说 第88期:他犯了死罪
必背句型: A;He was guilty of a capital crime. 他犯了死罪。 B:What did he do? 他做了什么? He was sentenced to death. 他被判处死刑。 The prisoners were...
2.法律英语就该这么说 第87期:死刑通常只适用于某些严重犯罪的惩处
必背句型: A:Death penalty has its own scope. 死刑有它的范围。 B:Death penalty is usually imposed because of some type of gross misconduct. 死刑通常只...
3.法律英语就该这么说 第86期:减轻罪行
必背句型: A:What is a sentencing judge required to consider? 量刑法官必须被要求考虑什么? B:A sentencing judge is required to consider any mitigating ...
4.法律英语就该这么说 第85期:我对你的调解很满意
必背句型: A:How do you feel about the settlement? 你觉得这调解如何? B:I'm quite pleased with your settlement. 我对你的调解很满意。 I'm very happy wit...
5.法律英语就该这么说 第84期:你懂我说的意思吗?
必背句型: A:Can you understand what I mean? 你懂我说的意思吗? B:Yes,I got it. 是的,我懂。 Do you know what I mean? 你懂我说的意思吗? Did you follow...
6.法律英语就该这么说 第83期:双方当事人可以自行和解
必背句型: A:Litigants of the two parties may reconcile of their own accord. 双方当事人可以自行和解。 B:That can save much time. 那样可以节省很多时间。...
7.法律英语就该这么说 第82期:在此种调解中支付的费用经常被称为摆脱诉讼滋扰费
必背句型: A:The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance money. 在此种调解中支付的费用经常被称为摆脱诉讼滋扰费。 B:Can you explain it ...
8.法律英语就该这么说 第81期:他们各自让步协商一致达成协议
必背句型: A:They reached an agreement resolving differences by mutual concessions. 他们各自让步,协商一致,达成协议。 B:They just want to end the laws...
9.法律英语就该这么说 第80期:判决者必须在双方当事人中作公正的裁决
必背句型: A:The adjudicator has to decide impartially between the two parties. 判决者必须在双方当事人中作公正的裁决。 B:They must do like this. 他们必...
10.法律英语就该这么说 第79期:他被判了5年徒刑
必背句型: A:He was sentenced to five years. 他被判了5年徒刑。 B:But he should serve only three with remission. 但减刑后仅服刑。 He was sentenced to tw...