-Leonard:We're not living together. 我们没有同居。 -Penny:Okay, hmm... 好吧。 Scented candles, fuzzy slippers, Scented:有香味的 candle:蜡烛 fuzzy...
-Stephanie:I don't see anything at all, Sheldon. 我什么都没看到,谢尔顿。 -Sheldon:Well, you're the doctor, but I am constantly hearing this annoyin...
-Leonard:All I'm saying is if they can cure yellow fever and malaria, why can't they do something about lactose intolerance? cure:治愈 yellow fever...
-Stephanie:Does he always do this? 他经常这么干吗? -Leonard:Sometimes he brings a toy xylophone. toy:玩具 xylophone:木琴 有时他还会自带玩具木琴。...
-Sheldon:Penny, hello. Penny 你好。 -Penny:Hey, Sheldon. 好呀 Sheldon。 -Sheldon:What is shaking? shake:摇动 有啥新鲜事不? -Penny:I'm sorry? 你说...
6.生活大爆炸第二季第八集_3The Lizard-Spock Expansion
-Penny:New shirts? 新衬衣吗? -Leonard:Yeah, a couple. 对,刚买几件。 -Penny:Nice. 不错嘛。 -Leonard:thank you. 谢谢。 -Penny:So, who's the girl? ...
7.生活大爆炸第二季第八集_2The Lizard-Spock Expansion
But, uh, no, the Rover is not responding. respond:响应 但探测器还是没反应。 -Sheldon:I believe the appropriate metaphor here involves a river of exc...
8.生活大爆炸第二季第八集_1The Lizard-Spock Expansion
-Sheldon:Oh, look, Saturn 3 is on. Saturn:土星 看啊,正在放土星三号呢(电影提名过金酸莓奖)。 -Raj:I don't want to watch Saturn 3. Deep Space Nine ...
-Sheldon: Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken. 小妹妹,你这点小伎俩可别玩过火了, -Penny: Yeah, well, your ken can kiss my Barbie. 是吗...
-Howard: One of us, one of us. 入伙万岁!入伙万岁! -Penny: Well, what a thrill. thrill: 激动 多振奋人呀! -Sheldon: You're sitting in my spot. 你坐我...