我又没有和莱纳德定下来 Hey, I did not settle for Leonard. 他显然不像我通常约会的类型 I mean, obviously, he isn't the kind of guy I usually go out with...
两年之后 突然有人敲门了 So two years later, there's a knock on the door. 那人打开门 看见门口立着只蜗牛 Guy opens it, and there on his porch is the sna...
不 No! 史吉牌牛肉小吃呢(美国牛肉小吃品牌) What about Slim Jims? 他刚才就着布丁吃光了 忘了吗 That's what he used to eat his pudding,remember? 没错 太美...
拿衣服 谢尔顿 Clothes,Sheldon. -我要衣服 -好啦 - I need clothes! - Okay. 给 Here. 不会吧 这条裤子配这件上衣 Seriously? Those shorts with that top? 好...
我们还有多少时间 How much time do we have? 倒数5小时37分钟 Uh,T-minus five hours,37 minutes 流星雨开始 to onset of meteor shower. 我们的位置是北纬34.4...
-啥 -最好现在就去 - What?! - Right now would be good. 莱纳德 Leonard! 好吧 其实应该更早一点去 Although, a few minutes ago would have been better. 听说...
你们慢慢谈 Oh, take all the time you need. 我们要不要谈谈昨晚的事 So, are we going to talk about last night? 你准备道歉了吗 Are you ready to apologize...
哇 谢尔顿 真不敢相信你居然自创了游戏 Wow, Sheldon, I cannot believe you made up your own game. 研究实验室可不仅仅是游戏 Oh, Research Lab is more than ...
没错 但这可附带一只零钱袋呢 Yeah,but it comes with a little coin purse. 帕唐风筝有吗 Does a Patang? 你还是不懂 是吗 Wow,you just don't get it,do you? ...
我觉得我开始有点明白了 I think I'm starting to get this. 真的吗 Really? 过去两小时中我唯一学到的 The only thing I've learned in the last two hours 就...