JUDY WOODRUFF: Here in the United States, the national parks belong to all of us. But as Tyler Fingert from the Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizo...
JUDY WOODRUFF: And now to our NewsHour Shares, something that caught our eye. The video of a rescued chimpanzee's flight to wildlife sanctuary recentl...
Hari Sreenivasan: It's been almost three weeks since the last male northern white rhino died at the animal conservancy in kenya, and now only two fema...
JUDY WOODRUFF: Next, we turn to Morocco, home to the largest solar energy plant in theworld. Today, the planet Earth meets over 80 percent of its ener...
JUDY WOODRUFF: Now to our NewsHour Shares. When two black bears were burned in a California wildfire, veterinarians used a treatment never tried befor...
6.PBS高端访谈:滑冰者冒险滑薄冰 冰面在歌唱
JUDY WOODRUFF: And now to our NewsHour Shares, something that caught our eye that we thought you might be interested in too. Earlier this winter, Henr...
Hari Sreenivasan: This week, the maker of Oxycontin, announced it is ending its marketing operation for the powerful opioid. Purdue Pharma is not givi...
JUDY WOODRUFF: Now to a NewsHour Shares, a story that caught our eye. It's very rare for a beluga whale calf to become separated from its mother. So, ...
Judy Woodruff: We close with a different look at ocean life, how a group of citizen scientists use a dolphin graveyard to uncover how the majestic mam...
Judy Woodruff: Sea turtles have inhabited the oceans for at least 120 million years. But they are now among the most endangered species on the planet....