Judy Woodruff: Firefighters are battling tonight against a wildfire that has become the fifth largest fire in California history. It has been a brutal...
According to a study published this week pollution of all kinds can be blamed for nine million premature deaths around the world every year. The study...
Houston is an industrial city, central to the nation's oil and gas industry, and home to one of the busiest ports in the country. It's also home to mo...
People gathered across the country for a historic event today, a total eclipse of the sun in a 70 mile- wide band, crossing from the Pacific to the At...
And now to our NewsHour Shares. Seawalls help to protect developed shorelines, but they can also destroy crucial habitat. One project in Washington st...
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, has launched the formal process to review and challenge mainstream climate science. The...
Scientists are predicting a 110-mile sheet of ice -- a chunk the size of the state of Delaware -- will break off Antarctica in the coming days or week...
HARI SREENIVASAN, PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND ANCHOR: For a closer look at the environmental policies of the Trump administration what it's done and what it ...
JUDY WOODRUFF: From the president today, the first salvo against his predecessor's climate agenda. Instead, he's launched an aggressive campaign he sa...
JUDY WOODRUFF: The Great Barrier Reef along the coast of Australia is considered one of the greatest natural wonders of the world. It actually consist...