1.纸牌屋第一季 第5期:我爱你,克里斯蒂娜
Who would you want? 你想要谁 For Secretary of State. Give me a list of choices. 做国务卿,给我列个候选人表 And, however we do this, we'll also need a ...
2.纸牌屋第一季 第4期先拿科恩开刀
When have we ever avoided each other? 我们什么时候逃避过对方了 I wanted a solution first. 我想先想个办法出来 Do you have one? Not yet. 想到了吗,还没...
3.纸牌屋第一季 第3期:弗兰克国务卿落选
That way... Frank. I'm gonna stop you there. 这样,弗兰克,我得打断你 We are not nominating you for the Secretary of State. 我们不打算提名你为国务卿 I...
4.纸牌屋第一季 第2期:衰落的报刊新闻业
I don't know if they will announce it before your board meeting. 难说他们会不会在你的董事会前宣布 Well, as long as I can say the donation is coming. ...
5.纸牌屋第一季 第1期:付出与索取
Hey, what are you doing? 你干什么 Jesus! 天哪 Did you get a good look? 你看清肇事的车了吗 Blue Toyota Camry, it's all I saw. 只看到是辆蓝色丰田佳美 It...