1.陨落星辰第一季 第124期:韦弗上尉的问题
Tom. 汤姆 Kicked his blankets off. He's been doing that since he was a little kid. 他把睡毯踢掉了,从小就有这毛病 I need to talk to you. 我得和你谈谈 ...
2.陨落星辰第一季 第123期:上尉不满汤姆
Is this your idea of leadership -- second-guessing me in front of my fighters? 你就这样对待上级吗,在战士面前质疑我 I'm just asking questions that sho...
3.陨落星辰第一季 第122期:戴受了重伤
He has a deep abdominal laceration but no internal damage. 他腹部伤口很深,但没伤及内脏 Is he gonna make it? 他能挺过去吧 Well, he's unconscious, and ...
4.陨落星辰第一季 第121期:汤姆获悉本的情况
I'm sorry, Tom. 很抱歉,汤姆 I didn't know how else to explain it. 我不知道如何解释这一切 The Skitters were harnessed, too. 突击者也被脊甲化了 I don't...
5.陨落星辰第一季 第120期:珀普研发新子弹
All right, everybody gather 'round! I got a demonstration! 大家集合!我给大家演示样东西 What the hell is this? 搞什么鬼 Come on, everybody! Let's go! ...
6.陨落星辰第一季 第119期:回到部队的上尉
Anne? I've been thinking about it for hours, 安,我想了几个小时 and I don't see how we can keep this to ourselves. 还是觉得我们应该把这事公布出来 You ...
7.陨落星辰第一季 第118期:老妇人出卖行踪
You told them about us, didn't you? 你跟它们说了我们的行踪,对吧 You gave us up to those things. 你出卖我们以换取这些东西 But they promised me they wo...
8.陨落星辰第一季 第117期:炸毁械甲怪
That's a Mech. 有械甲怪 Hal's out front. We got to go! 哈尔在外面,我们得快走 You go. You save yourself and your son. 快走,保护好自己和你儿子 This is...
9.陨落星辰第一季 第116期:上尉心中的郁结(2)
I came here right after the bombs dropped, and I found Linda's fiance outside. 炸弹一响我就跑回这里,然后我发现琳达的未婚夫就在外面 He was badly wound...
10.陨落星辰第一季 第115期:上尉心中的郁结
This is Royal Street. And there's his bike out front. 这儿就是皇家大街,他的摩托车停在外面 He must have figured we wouldn't find him. 他一定以为我们找...