1.陨落星辰第一季 第94期:选择逃走
Okay, everyone, I'll let you know when to break out the cigars. 好了,大家,庆祝之时我会通知你们 And I know you got better things to do. Let's go. 先...
2.陨落星辰第一季 第93期:克莱顿给迈克洗脑
I always liked you, Mike. 迈克,我一直很欣赏你 That's why I'm gonna talk and you're gonna listen. 所以你听我说 Eli Russell. 伊莱罗素 Short answer? He ...
3.陨落星辰第一季 第92期:开始怀疑克莱顿
What do you see out there? 在外面看见什么了 Stars. 繁星 And Captain kick-ass up there. 还有楼上威武的上尉 I mean, I know you guys think you're off the...
4.陨落星辰第一季 第91期:汤姆前去调查
Captain. The conditions of these bikes is a disgrace. 上尉,这些摩托车的情况太糟了 Is that right? I'll have to look into that. 是吗,我来看看 Which on...
5.陨落星辰第一季 第90期:波普再次逃跑
I smell asparagus, 我闻到了芦笋的味道 which means you're boiling it, which means you're ruining it. 你们在煮芦笋,真是在糟蹋芦笋 We'll pass that on to...
6.陨落星辰第一季 第89期:短暂安逸的生活
Keep that ammo out back with the .50 cal. 把弹药和点50口径机枪一起留下 3rd Mass. Comes in hot, Skitters and Mechs can't be far behind. 第三团快到了,...
7.陨落星辰第一季 第88期:足球赛
Oh, sorry! 抱歉 Yeah, I'll get it back out to you. 对,我待会儿回传给你 Take it, Jimmy. Take it! Take it! Take it! 吉米接球,接球啊 Jimmy, I'm open! O...
8.陨落星辰第一季 第87期:内奸克莱顿
All right, we're gonna go up through here. 好了,我们从这里穿过去 Stay on the path. 走小路 Lieutenant Clayton. Yeah? 克莱顿中尉。怎么了 Aren't we supp...
9.陨落星辰第一季 第86期:一家人的告别
I'm gonna come for you as soon as I can. 我会尽快去找你 I promise. 我保证 I-I just wanted to say thanks 我只是想来道谢 For giving me another chance. ...
10.陨落星辰第一季 第85期:越发懂事的长子
Hi, Dad. 老爸 Hey. Thought you weren't on sentry duty until tonight. 你不是要晚上才放哨吗 Actually, I, um, got Ryerson to take my watch. 实际上,我让...