1.老友记精校版第1季 第101期:气球飞走了(2)
Joey: Hey, hey. 嘿,嘿。 Chandler: Hey. 嘿, Phoebe: Hey. 嘿。 Chandler: And this from the cryforhelp department. Are you wearing makeup? 这里是呼救部...
2.老友记精校版第1季 第100期:气球飞走了(1)
Rachel: Terry, I, I, I know that I haven't worked here very long, but I was wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance on my...
3.老友记精校版第1季 第99期:祖母死了两回(13)
Chandler: Hey, Lo. 嗨,Chandler。 Lowell: Hey, Chandler. 嗨,Chandler。 Chandler: So how's it going there in Financial Services? 在金融服务部过得怎么...
4.老友记精校版第1季 第98期:祖母死了两回(12)
Mrs. Geller: More wine, dear? 再来点酒好吗,亲爱的? Monica: Oh, I think so. 哦,我看行。 Mrs. Geller: Those earrings look really lovely on you. 你戴...
5.老友记精校版第1季 第97期:祖母死了两回(11)
Rachel: Pheebs, could you maybe hand me a cracker? Pheebs,递块饼干给我好吗? Mrs. Geller: Your grandmother would have hated this. 你外婆会不高兴的。 ...
6.老友记精校版第1季 第96期:祖母死了两回(10)
Phoebe: Hey, look who's up! 嗨,看谁来了! Ross: Hey! 嗨! Phoebe: How do you feel? 感觉怎么样? Ross: I feel great. I feel great, I feel great. 我觉...
7.老友记精校版第1季 第95期:祖母死了两回(9)
Joey: What? 什么? Chandler: Nothing, just your overcoat sounds remarkably like Brent Mussberger. 没什么,只是你的外套听起来很像Brent Mussberger。 Joe...
8.老友记精校版第1季 第94期:祖母死了两回(8)
Ross: No! No no no! Wait. I may have something in the back. 不!不不,等一下。我可以在后面找找。 Ross: Oh my God... 哦我的天。 Mrs. Geller: Is everyth...
9.老友记精校版第1季 第93期:祖母死了两回(7)
Chandler: Lowell? Financial Services' Lowell, that's who you saw me with? Lowell?金融服务部的Lowell?他就是你觉得配我的那个? Shelley: What? He's cut...
10.老友记精校版第1季 第92期:祖母死了两回(6)
Ross: Here's my retainer! 我的牙齿矫正器! Mr. Geller: I was just thinking. When my time comes 爸! Monica: Dad! 爸! Mr. Geller: Listen to me! When m...