文本: Banshee:This is the place, sisters. Well rest here, great king. King Arthas:Why here? Weve got to find KelThuzad before weAarrghh! The Lich K...
文本: KelThuzad:So the seizures have been getting worse? King Arthas:Yes. With my _(1)_ drained, I can barely command my own warriors. The Lich Kin...
文本: Sylvanas Windrunner:I may take part in your bloody coup, but I will do so in my own way. Balnazzar:I, _(1)_, do not trust her. Her heart is s...
文本: King Arthas:Greetings, dreadlords. I should thank you for looking after my kingdom during my _(1)_. However, I wont be requiring your services...
文本: Kaelthas:What is this, Vashj? Where did this storm come from? Lady Vashj:____(1)___, fool! Something terrible is drawing near! Kiljaeden:Foo...
文本: Fel Orc Warlock:Our enemies __(1)__, Lord Magtheridon. Magtheridon:These upstarts are tiresome gnats, nothing more. The might of Magtheridon ...
文本: Illidan:Long ago, after Draenors explosion, a brutal Pit Lord named Magtheridon rallied the surviving orcs and took control of Outland. Since ...
文本: Kaelthas:This place is unnerving. Weve marched for three days and seen no signs of life. Still, I cant shake the feeling that were not alone o...
文本: Kaelthas:What is this _(1)_ place, Vashj? Lady Vashj:This shattered world is called Outland, young prince. It is all that remains of Draenor,...
文本: Kaelthas:How could I have let this happen to my brethren? Locked in these cells, our thirst for magic will devour us. Guard Marcus:It'll all ...