文本: Knight:Naga warriors! Grand Marshal Garithos:Forget about them! So, Kael, youve shown your true colors at last. I knew you were in league wit...
文本: Emissary:Greetings, Prince Kael. I bring word from Grand Marshal Garithos. Kaelthas:What news from the _(1)_? Emissary:Apparently the observ...
文本: Kaelthas:Hail. Lord Garithos. The observatories have been repaired as you requested. We were just about to Garithos:I received _(1)_ news fro...
文本: Garithos:Now, the undead have begun a new _(1)_ to retake Dalaran. Their primary strike force marched south through Silverpine, but we managed...
文本: Grand Marshal Garithos:You are late, Prince Kaelthas. I thought you elves prided yourselves on _(1)_. Prince Kaelthas:_____(2)_____, Lord Gar...
文本: Malfurion:You have brought much suffering to the world, Illidan. _(1)_, you can never be forgiven. However, you saved the life of my love. For...
文本: Tyrande:Illidan! What _(1)_ is this? Have you come to finish me off personally? Illidan:No, Tyrande. You must believe me. Ive come to save yo...
文本: Illidan:Prince Kaelthas said he last saw Tyrande being swept down this river. If she is alive, my naga will find her. Malfurion:They had best...
文本: Illidan Stormrage:Fools! Can you not see? The spell we channeled was meant to strike at the undeadour common enemy! My mission was to destroy ...
文本: Illidan:No! _____(1)_____! It is not done! Malfurion:It is over, brother. Your vile schemes end here. Maiev:Illidan Stormrage, for recklessl...