文本: Malfurion:Maiev! Weve got to move quickly. Illidan is weaving a spell that is splitting apart the roof of the world! We must Waitwhere is Tyra...
文本: Maiev:Weve driven them back, but the second wave is advancing! Kaelthas:Weve run out of time! The caravan will not survive another assault! T...
文本: Tyrande:This was an Alliance encampment. The attack must have come recently. Blood Elven Swordsman:Strangers, milord! They dont appear to be ...
文本: Maiev Shadowsong:Our forces will be ready to move out soon, although we still know _____(1)_____ about this strange land Illidan has run to. M...
文本: Maiev:Victory is ours! It has been an honor to fight at your side, Shando. Malfurion:This battle is far from over, Maiev. Illidan has yet to ...
文本: Maiev:Elune be praised! I knew you would come, Shando Stormrage! Malfurion:Im glad we reached you in time, Maiev. Maiev:Priestess Tyrande, I...
文本: Druid of the Claw:Your pardon. Shando StormragePriestess Tyrandebut she insisted that she be allowed to see you. Tyrande:Who are you, girl? W...
文本: Huntress:What happened, mistress? Where are Naisha and the others? Maiev:They are _(1)_. Illidan claimed the Eye of Sargeras, and used its po...
背景:伊利丹大叔被幽闭了太长时间。 音频: 文本: Illidan:My soul __(1)__ vengeance. Illidan:None of them know my __(2)__....
文本: (伊利丹似乎解开了萨格拉斯之眼,墓穴开始崩塌) Maiev: Damn! I must reach Shando Stormrage and warn him of his brothers _(1)_. My power will all...