Explanation: Many of the earliest Americans followed a religion that was different from the one practiced (or believed in) by the people in government...
Explanation: The phrase life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness comes from the Declaration of Independence and it is something Americans talk a lo...
Explanation: On July 4, 1776, a group of men convened (or met) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and signed a document called the Declaration of Independe...
Explanation: When the Founding Fathers (or the men who made the U.S. government) wrote the Constitution in 1787, they wanted a government that would g...
Explanation: Americans have a lot of freedom to say what they want, to believe what they want, and to get the government to do what they want. These a...
Explanation: While the Constitution was being written, many people argued that it did not actually protect the rights (or freedoms) of citizens or pro...
Explanation: The men who wrote the U.S. Constitution knew that their document was not perfect. That is why they included ways to change or add laws to...
Explanation: The idea behind the words We the people is one of the most important ones in a democracy. A democracy is a government where the citizens ...
Explanation: The United States would be a very different country if it did not have the U.S. Constitution, because it does three very important things...
Explanation: Back in 1787, more than 200 years ago, the United States of America didnt exist the way it does today. There were just 13 states, and aft...