Explanation: If you are walking outdoors in the United States, especially in front of a university, library, or public building, dont be too surprised...
Explanation: U.S. senators serve (or work in their public position) for six-year terms that are staggered, which means they dont all begin and end at ...
Explanation: The government of the United States was founded (or created) on the idea that the people who live in a country should be able to particip...
Explanation: In the United States, the word Congress is used to refer to (or talk about) the legislative (or lawmaking) part of American government. M...
Explanation: Making a federal (or national) law in the United States is a complex (or complicated and not simple) process that takes a lot of time. Th...
Explanation: Many people know who the president of the United States is, but what does the president do? The president is the person in charge of (or ...
Explanation: The people who created the U.S. government wanted a way to make sure that no one branch (or part) of the government becomes too powerful....
Explanation: The United States government is divided into three branches (or parts), and all three share equal (or the same) amounts of power. The eas...
Explanation: More than 800 years ago, in a city in England, a group of men got together to create a new kind of government. At the time, England was r...
Explanation: If you want to start a business, maybe by opening a restaurant or a clothing store, the United States is a good place to do it. This is b...