Explanation: The President has been shot! This phrase, or something similar, has been said many times in U.S. history. Being president is a risky job ...
Explanation: While the president of the United States has an exciting and important job running the country, the vice president does not have as big a...
Explanation: The American Dream is the idea that Americans can do and become anything they want to through hard work. Children are brought up (or rais...
Explanation: In the United States, the president has to be re-elected every four years. The elections take place (or are held) every four years in Nov...
Explanation: Many of the people who came to North America and later created the U.S. government had come from countries that had kings. Many of those ...
Explanation: The fifty states of the United States have very different sizes, both in terms of (or related to) how much land there is and the populati...
Explanation: Heres an interesting thing about the U.S. government: even if you vote against the person who wins an election (or a competition to see w...
Explanation: Its important for Americans to know not only who their U.S. Representative is, but also how he or she is representing them. Americans nee...
Explanation: In most jobs, if you do your work well, you can continue working there almost as long as you like. In general, this is a good thing, but ...
Explanation: Americans live all over the United States, but some places are much more popular than others. For example, more than 35 million people li...