Explanation: The Supreme Court is the highest (or most important) court in the United States, so it makes sense that the leader of the Supreme Court, ...
Explanation: The Supreme Court, which is the most important court in the United States, has changed in many ways since it was first founded (or create...
Explanation: Everybody makes mistakes, but what happens if it is a judge (or a person who makes legal decisions in a court)? Imagine that you are in a...
Explanation: The U.S. government has three branches (or parts): the executive branch which makes sure that people follow laws, the legislative branch ...
Explanation: The U.S. Cabinet (or the group of people who advise the president, giving him or her ideas, advice, and information) has grown a lot over...
Explanation: Being the president of the United States is a big job and our Founding Fathers (or the people who created the U.S. government) knew that ...
Explanation: Congress is the part of the U.S. government that is responsible for making laws. However, it cannot do it without the presidents help. Ev...
Explanation: Congress is the legislative or lawmaking part of the U.S. government. Congress spends a lot of time debating or talking about different b...
Explanation: About 1.5 million Americans are on active duty (or working) in the military, which is the organizations and people who fight to protect a...
Explanation: What would happen if the president died? Many people enjoy thinking about these what-if scenarios, where they try to think about what mig...