1.2014年CRI 中蒙争取2020年实现双边贸易额100亿美元 南非实施旅游禁令预防埃博拉入境
Chine and Mongolia are seeking to build stronger economic links by boosting trade to 10 billion U.S. dollars by 2020 and facilitating cargo transporta...
2.2014年CRI 美国将在伊拉克进行更多空袭 习近平主席今日出访蒙古国
The United States has launched a new barrage of airstrikes against Islamic State extremists and is weighing sending more troops to Iraq as world leade...
3.2014年CRI 伊拉克极端组织发布斩首美国记者视频 安徽煤矿爆炸27人仍被困井下
Islamic State insurgents has released a video purportedly showing the beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley, who had gone missing in Syria nearly t...
4.2014年CRI 奥巴马派司法部长调查黑人青年被杀事件 利比里亚17名埃博拉患者失踪
US President Barack Obama is sending Attorney General Eric Holder to Ferguson, Missouri, to investigate the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black ...
5.2014年CRI 库尔德部队控制部分摩苏尔大坝 习近平主席在南京会见外国政要
Kurdish forces are now taking over large parts of Iraq's Mosul dam, and vow to continue fighting Islamic militants. The Kurdish operation to take Iraq...
6.2014年CRI 伊拉克总理马利基同意下台 世卫称埃博拉空中旅行传播风险低
Embattled Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has agreed to step aside, ending the country's recent political deadlock. The decision follows a meeting...
7.2014年CRI 肯尼亚被列为埃博拉高风险国 以巴双方同意将加沙停火协议延长五天
Kenyan authorities are now stepping up efforts to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus into East Africa, as the outbreak in West Africa contin...
8.2014年CRI 世卫组织赞成提供抗埃博拉实验药 俄罗斯乌克兰就人道主义援助达成协议
A World Health Organization panel of medical ethicists has ruled it is ethical to offer unproven drugs or vaccines to people infected or at risk of in...
9.2014年CRI 中国援助物资运抵西非埃博拉疫区 伊拉克总统指派新总理人选
中国援助物资运抵西非埃博拉疫区 伊拉克总统指派新总理人选 Medical aid from China has arrived in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, to help with the fight...
10.2014年CRI 中国派专家援助埃博拉疫区 中日外长进行非正式接触
Three teams of Chinese disease-control specialists are taking supplies and expertise to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone to help fight the deadly Ebo...