1.2014年CRI 习近平会见马来西亚最高元首哈利姆 北约峰会重点讨论阿富汗乌克兰问题
Chinese President Xi Jinping is suggesting the visit of Malaysia's Supreme Head of State will help boost cooperation between the two countries. The Ch...
2.2014年CRI 中国举行高规格抗战纪念活动 普京与乌总统波罗申科进行对话
China has marked the 69th anniversary of the victory over Japan in World War II with a high-profile ceremony and a symposium attended by the country's...
3.2014年CRI 中国纪念抗战胜利69周年 习近平会见罗马尼亚总理蓬塔
Today marks the 69th anniversary of Japan's surrender to China. This is the first time September 3rd has been officially marked as Victory Day. In mar...
4.2014年CRI 我国部分地区遭遇暴雨侵袭 李克强同罗马尼亚总理蓬塔会谈
Heavy rains which have been pelting various parts of China since Sunday have been triggering floods, landslides, and significant traffic disruptions. ...
5.2014年CRI 2017年起香港可由普选产生行政长官 中俄天然气管道东线开工
China's top legislature has made its decision on the election of Hong Kong's chief executive in 2017 at the just-concluded meeting of the NPC's Standi...
6.2014年CRI 中国国防部敦促美停止侦察活动 北约称上千俄军人在乌克兰境内
China's Defense Ministry is pointing the finger at the United States as being responsible for a series of close encounters between Chinese and US jets...
7.2014年CRI 习近平会见越共中央总书记特使 联合国报告谴责叙利亚发生的暴行
Chinese President Xi Jinping is calling for China and Vietnam to work together to mend ties amid recent tensions between the two countries. He has mad...
8.2014年CRI 以色列和巴勒斯坦达成停火协议 世卫工作人员首次感染埃博拉
Israel and Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip have agreed to an Egyptian proposal for a long-term ceasefire. The truce is ending seven weeks of fi...
9.2014年CRI 习近平同津巴布韦总统会谈 乌克兰总统解散议会并宣布举行新议会选举
China and Zimbabwe are promising broader cooperation with one-another. The pledge has been made amid talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and vi...
10.2014年CRI 李克强考察中国铁路总公司 安徽矿难被困24人生还希望渺茫
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is suggesting the China Railway Corporation look more toward the private sector to help advance railway projects in the cou...