1.2014年CRI 中国三季度GDP增长7.3% 香港特区政府与学联对话
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang says China's economy is still within a reasonable range. The Premier has made the statement following Tuesday's release of ...
2.2014年CRI 香港特区政府今日与学联展开对话 中印就边境稳定达成共识
The 2nd day of the Communist Party of China's latest plenum is due to begin later this morning here in Beijing. This session, which runs until Thursda...
3.2014年CRI 十八届四中全会首次关注依法治国 习近平主席特使将出席印尼总统就职仪式
The Communist Party of China is set to begin a key meeting today which will discuss the rule of law. The fourth plenum of the Party's 18th Central Com...
4.2014年CRI 中国再向西非埃博拉疫区提供1600万美元援助 安倍向靖国神社献供品
The Chinese government is promising around 16 million U.S. dollars in additional aid to help West Africa fight the Ebola outbreak. Chinese Premier Li ...
5.2014年CRI 中国将向联合国粮农组织捐赠5000万美元 外交部敦促英方在港事务上谨言慎行
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has announced a 50 million US dollar cash injection from China to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization over the next fi...
6.2014年CRI 中意签订价值100亿美元商业协议 习近平期待在APEC期间同朴槿惠会晤
China has signed deals worth some 8-billion euros (around 10 billion dollars) with Italy as part of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's time in Rome. Among t...
7.2014年CRI 香港政府暂停与学生会面
The Hong Kong government has decided to suspend a formal meeting planned for later today with representatives of students participating in the Occupy ...
8.2014年CRI 梁振英拒绝辞职,主动与孩子谈话
Hong Kong's Chief Executive CY Leung is vowing not to resign. I won't resign because I must carry out the universal suffrage work. In making the state...
9.2014年CRI 景谷地震造成一处大坝出现裂缝
Over 260 soldiers are working feverishly to dig a trench to try to drain a local reservoir in Pinggu County in Yunnan which is threatening thousands o...
10.2014年CRI 李克强今将访问德国 云南景谷地震灾区救援工作陆续展开
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is calling on both China and Germany to further open up their markets to each other and become pioneers in innovation. In m...