1.2014年CRI 云南景谷地震已造成1人遇难38人受伤 香港特区政府与占中代表本周五对话
At least one person is dead and close to 40 others injured following a strong earthquake in Yunnan. The 6.6-magnitude hit in Jinggu County, which is a...
2.2014年CRI 李克强将赴欧洲进行系列访问活动
For CRI, this is Yu Yang. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is set to visit Germany, Russia, Italy and the UN Food and Agricultural Organization or FAO headq...
3.2014年CRI 外部势力无权干涉香港事务
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has made a statement in connection with the protests in Hong Kong this week, saying Hong Kong's affairs are China's i...
4.2014年CRI 昆明踩踏事故3人被刑拘 阿富汗总统加尼宣誓就职
Three people have been detained in southwest China's Yunnan Province following Friday's stampede that killed six students and injured 26 at a highly r...
China's central government is describing the so-called Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong as an illegal gathering. At the same time, mainland author...
6.2014年CRI 云南昆明一小学发生踩踏事故致6死 王毅呼吁国际社会携手共同抗击埃博拉疫情
Six children are dead following a stampede at their primary school today in Yunnan's capital, Kunming. 22 others have been hospitalized. Two are said ...
Authorities in northwest China's Xinjiang have described Sunday's series of explosions in Luntai county as an organized and serious terrorist attack. ...
8.2014年CRI 广东爆发20年来最严重登革热疫情 汪洋会见日中经协访华团
South China's Guangdong Province is on high alert against the worst dengue fever outbreak in 2 decades. Some 1,400 new cases have been reported in the...
9.2014年CRI 张高丽出席联合国气候峰会并发表讲话 维族教师涉分裂国家罪被判无期
Leaders from more than a hundred countries have made promises of billions of dollars and better care of planet Earth, during the UN Climate Summit in ...
10.2014年CRI 台风凤凰侵袭浙江 中国呼吁国际社会团结一致打击恐怖主义
Typhoon Fung-Wong has made landfall in east China's Zhejiang Province, bringing strong winds and rains. The typhoon landed in coastal areas of Xiangsh...