1.美国语文第五册 第262期:在摇篮中安睡(2)
Over my heart in the days that are flown, 我的心里,沉淀往日尘封, No love like mother love ever has shone; 世界上,没有比母爱更为温柔, No other wors...
2.美国语文第五册 第261期:在摇篮中安睡(1)
Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight, 时光穿梭,飞快地回到从前, Make me a child again, just for to-night! 今晚星光,我变成可爱孩子, Mothe...
3.美国语文第五册 第260期:宗教 社会的唯一基石(2)
that the weak have no guardian, and the injured no avenger; 弱者没有监护人,伤者无法讨还公道, that there is no recompense for sacrifices to uprightne...
4.美国语文第五册 第259期:宗教 社会的唯一基石(1)
Religion is a social concern; for it operates powerfully on society, contributing in various ways to its stability and prosperity. 宗教为一种社会关照...
5.美国语文第五册 第258期:又见春天
I stood on the height in the stillness and the planets outline scanned, 静寂无声,我站在高处云巅,放眼望去,脚下星球飞转, And half was drawn with the...
6.美国语文第五册 第257期:种子的传播与种植(6)
I can confirm what William Barton wrote to Wilson, the ornithologist, that quote 依我来看,威廉巴特拉姆写给鸟类学家威尔森信中这段话颇有道理: The jay ...
7.美国语文第五册 第256期:种子的传播与种植(5)
One winter, when the crop had been abundant, 有年冬天,适逢栗树丰年, I got, with the aid of a rake, many quarts of these nuts as late as the tenth of...
8.美国语文第五册 第255期:种子的传播与种植(4)
and they begin to pluck them long before they are ripe, so that when the crop of white-pine cones is a small one, as it commonly is, 那时松果成熟还早...
9.美国语文第五册 第254期:种子的传播与种植(3)
But especially, in the winter, the extent to which this transportation and planting of nuts is carried on, is made apparent by the snow. 白雪皑皑的冬...
10.美国语文第五册 第253期:种子的传播与种植(2)
As I walk amid hickories, even in August, 甚至8月期间,当我走在山核桃林里, I hear the sound of green pignuts falling from time to time, cut off by th...