So as bad as all that is, things are going to get much worse, much, much worse. 整个情况如此糟糕,而且将会每况愈下。 This is the infrastructure as we ...
And we're replacing that with the largest industrial project in the history of the world, 将它转变成史上最大的工业项目, which is producing the most h...
And the Athabasca River drains downstream to a range of Aboriginal communities. 阿萨帕斯卡尔河下游即原住民聚集地。 In Fort Chippewa, the 800 people th...
The tailings ponds are the largest toxic impoundments on the planet. 那些残渣池是世上最大的毒性蓄水池 Oil sands-r rather I should say tar sands-oil sa...
Now, here you see-of course, as you go further on, 如图所示-当然,当你将视线拉远, these trucks become like a pixel. 这些卡车彷佛图中的小点。 Again, ...
And I think particularly now, as we see ourselves in a time of environmental crisis, 我认为尤其是目前,我们明白人类身处环境危机时代, we can learn so ...
In Saskatchewan, as across all of the boreal, home to some of our most famous rivers, 横跨北方森林的萨克其万省,拥有一些著名湖泊, an incredible netwo...
The world's largest and most devastating environmental and industrial project is situated in the heart of the largest and most intact forest in the wo...
9.TED演讲 全球经济的隐形推动力—寄钱回家(3)
U.S. Fed started a program with Mexico to enable money service businesses to send money to Mexico for a fixed cost of only 67 cents per transaction. ...
10.TED演讲 全球经济的隐形推动力—寄钱回家(2)
And in poorer countries, smaller countries, fragile countries, 在更穷,更小,或者正发生冲突的国家, conflict-afflicted countries, remittances are a li...