If somebody from 1973 looked at what was on a dormitory message board in 1993, 如果一个1973年的人看着1993年一个学生宿舍信息栏, the slang would have c...
1917. This is the time when we all assume 1917年,这是我们都认为的 that everything somehow in terms of writing was perfect because the people on Downt...
It's used to change the scene. 它被用来转换话题。 So for example, this Sally person says, 比如说,这个萨莉说, So I need to find people to chill with ...
It's evolved into something that is much subtler. 它已演变成某种更微妙的东西。 This is an actual text that was done by a non-male person of about 20 y...
And that's where texting comes in. 这时短信就出现了。 And so, texting is very loose in its structure. 所以,短信在结构上非常松散。 No one thinks about...
So, for example, in a distant era now, 比如说,在以前一个遥远的时代, it was common when one gave a speech to basically talk like writing. 当一个人作...
So first there's speech, and then writing comes along as a kind of artifice. 所以首先是语音,然后文字作为一种技巧出现了。 Now don't get me wrong, writ...
We always hear that texting is a scourge. 人们总说短信的出现是一种灾难。 The idea is that texting spells the decline and fall of any kind of serious l...
And we need to all gather together and say no to the tar sands. 我们必须团结一致向油砂说不。 And we can do that. There is a huge network all over the ...
And yet there's a proposal, of course, to build a pipeline to take huge tankers, 10 times the size of the Exxon Valdez, 然而,其中一项提案是-当然-建...