Since diving headlong into the middle of the Sahara Desert it has been a wild ride. 从头部向前 跳入撒哈拉大沙漠的中心地带开始 我进行了一次危险之旅 Fro...
In self-rescue situations you have to keep moving and cover those miles. 在自我救援情况下 要一直前进 穿山越岭 Early morning is perfect for this,when t...
After enduring everything the Sahara has thrown at me,i desperately needed rest. 在撒哈拉遇到一系列挑战后 我真的需要休息一下了 While I had some sleep,...
Building a campfire is a huge part of sleeping wild. 在野外宿营时 生一簇篝火非常重要 It's not just something for cooking on.It's morale boosting. 这不...
The Sahara is home to some of the deadliest snakes and scorpions on the planet. 撒哈拉沙漠里生活着许多 地球上最致命的毒蛇和蝎子 Plus there are hyenas ...
On the edge of the Sahara Desert I have come face to face with an ocean of water,but not a drop that I can drink.So I gonna step up to search. 在撒哈...
Still gripping on,but that's just nerve reflex there.See, even on my lip. Look. 还是紧紧吸着 但这只是神经反射 还吸住我的嘴唇了 看 Probably the sucker ...
This would have been the hold for the ship,but today with the sea washing in and out, 这应该就是船舱 但随着海水的冲刷 it's effectively created a giant...
I'm on the wild Atlantic coast of the Sahara desert. 我正在撒哈拉沙漠边缘的大西洋海岸边 Battling through currents,fighting to board the wreck of a fis...
The coast is some relief,but it's still tough going here. 海岸的确给人稍许安慰 但路途依旧艰险 The Atlantic is brutal and when storms hit,they can unle...