Not going to win me any dates, that's for certain. 这样肯定是把不到妹的 But you see how much cooler that is. 但清凉效果一流 As soon as I put this on,y...
Beating the heat isn't just about finding water. 战胜高温不仅要找到水源 It's also about making the most of what you already have. 更需要你充分利用身边...
The foul taste of this guy could mean he's not what I think he is. 这个小家伙恶心的味道 告诉我它不是我所想的那种虫 He could be toxic.The rule is: If i...
Now for the second one.Try to get it into one of these cracks. 下面是第二根 最好插进那些裂缝里 Okay. That shouldn't be able to slip out. You know? 好...
Just draining, sapping,but what are so really difficult things is just about putting your head down, 不停地流失水分 排除汗液 但是此时真正难以做到的事...
Well, in my sight for water,I am not much better off, you know. 我所能看到的水 情况不太乐观 there no sight of any rivers,no low patch green in the my ...
My mission is to show you how to survive long enough to make it back to civilization. 我的任务是教你如何坚持活到 重归人烟的那一天 Along taking a few b...
I'm Bear Grylls.I'm going to show you what takes to getting out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth. 我是贝尔格里尔斯 我将向你展示如...
Me and the crew are in a narrow tunnel,and there's a train coming. 我和摄制组当时正在一条狭窄的隧道 有一列火车开了过来 Within a minute, come on, go, g...
To cross a deep canyon in Texas,I used an old tethered trap I'd found earlier, 为了穿越德克萨斯的一条峡谷 我用了之前捡到的一个绳套 improvised a grappl...