In Zambia, I was trying to climb a slippery rock face. 在赞比亚 我尝试爬上一个湿滑的岩面 I was already a couple of hundred feet above the river,and on...
He can't get enough of it.I think he prefers the food that Bear creates the food that he gets at home. 他总是吃不够 我觉得他应该很喜欢贝尔做的食物 感...
So, it's, like, frantic sort of movement in the water,and he pulls his hand out,and there's a huge catfish which has latched onto the end of his five ...
You are thinking what is that?you can see how this is looking. 禁不住会问 到底是什么 看看肉质如何 The smell was so bad, it was just telling you,do not...
As soon as he cuts into the stomach contents,that is when you get this rotting stench an aroma of whatever it's been eating in the last 24 hours. 一旦...
By not drinking the fluid,you bypass the gag reflex, 通过不直接饮用海水 你不会感觉到咽反射 rehydrating without the risk of vomiting,but it's not pleas...
Surviving in the wild isn't easy. 在荒野生存绝非易事 You've got to stay focused and motivated,but you also need to improvise, 你必须集中精神 积极行动 ...
I think heat's gonna be a big issue for everyone working on this face today. 高温是困扰这我们的最大问题 You know, it's gonna be hot,hot as you like on...
And I've got sort of 5-mil neoprene gloves on, and my hands are now freezing and my face is absolutely freezing. 我戴着5毫米厚的氯丁橡胶手套 手和脸都...
When Bear's on camera and he's peeling off a leech,don't forget that 当镜头里的贝尔剥离水蛭时 别忘了 behind that camera is another person with a proba...