But it always survives.It's,I suppose it's Bear-proof. 不过最后总是幸免遇难 我想这就是贝尔定律吧 This tiny camera enables me to get some extraordinary...
I think he had a couple of moments up there before he was encouraged to jump.Jump. 他跳下去之前 一定是犹豫了很久 跳吧 I think it took me three attempt...
In Guatemala,I jumped 40 foot into a pool of water. 在危地马拉 我从40英尺的高度跳进一潭水中 Simon was supposed to follow me,but, this time, he got col...
And so, even though I'm not scared of heights,looking down at that kind of height, 所以即使我不恐高 站在那样的高度向下望去 you think your heart is def...
We managed to release ourselves and pull ourselves off into the dust. 我们设法减缓趋势 踩着泥土停下来 So I got off lightly,but purely down to luck.But...
In Alaska, the best route to safety was to get onto a glacier, 在阿拉斯加 最安全的路径 就是站到冰川上去 but that meant a jump across icy water for me ...
From the freezing wastes of the Arctic Circle to the burning heat of the sahara desert, 从北极圈冰冷的水中 到撒哈拉大沙漠的滚滚热流 in making Man VS W...
Good luck down there. You're gonna need it. 祝你好运 你会需要的 Over the years, I've done hundreds of jumps,but it still gets my heart going every tim...
The sort of point of no return when you absolutely believe, in your own mind,you can't get out. 这种有进无退的处境 当你意识到时 你已经不能脱身了 You t...
Another 5 seconds, I was on the ground.Bear released the rope from me, 5秒钟以后 我终于落地了 贝尔解开我身上的绳索 and the helicopter just peeled off ...