There's an elevator.It's not gonna have power to it, this, though. 那里有部电梯 肯定没有通电 If we get into the shaft,you can actually use this to get...
In the aftermath of an urban disaster, 在城市灾难过后 you should be on the lookout for the sort of things that can make the difference between life an...
I'm in an abandoned urban area pitting my wilderness survival skills against man-made dangers. 我在废弃之城实践荒野求生术 于人为障碍之间穿梭 This is f...
Roofing felt is crude paperboard impregnated with tar and bitumen to make it water-resistant. 油毡是用厚纸坯制成 浸以焦油和沥青防水 It burns slowly an...
It's an old ventilation shaft, this.It might be the best way down into the building. 这是一根旧的通风管道 可能是进入建筑的最佳通道 With no other obvio...
Like I just says,Spread the weight between the legs and the arm.Try not panic,try to consider veilige 正如我所说的 将重量分散于两腿和手臂之间 不要慌张...
I've made it.Now to get the rope back for my camera man. 我成功了 现在要把绳子扔回给我的摄像师 I got you.Get in.The rope already is just reach. 我抓住...
I want to get to shore fast and without taking a plunge in the icy waters. 我想尽快到岸上 我可不想在冰水里待着 There is a cargo net hanging over the w...
I'm Bear Grylls.I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth. 我是贝尔格里尔斯 我将向你展示一些从...
These are the main entrance to the temple.Kind of quite eerie in here. 这是通向寺庙的主要入口 感觉有些怪异 This would be a good place for a signal fir...