Jungle river's always more powerful than you imagine. 丛林中河流的力量远远超乎你的想象 We're across the river, though. 虽然这样 我们还是穿过来了 I've ...
It's fast! Come on, jump, jump! 水流很急 快跳 跳 There's no way you can fight this sort of current.You've just got to go with it. 你是无法与这种急流抗...
And that's why you need to break things down to bite-sized chunks. 所以要把事情分开 分成若干小部分 You try and reach one goal,get to there, reassess,a...
The hearts of most palms around the world are edible. 世界上大部分棕榈树的芯是可以吃的 You just need to cut away the tough outer leaves. 只需除去外层...
I'm deep in the jungle of Guatemala,in a tree, facing a deadly snake. 现在我身处危地马拉丛林深处 正在树上和一条致命的毒蛇对峙 Little green pit viper.I...
Actually,much better cooked than they are raw. 事实上 这比生吃要美味的多 And I love crabs.I often catch them with the kids at home. 我爱死螃蟹了 在家...
OK, that's high enough,tie it off and get a fire going. 好了 够高了 绑好就要去生火了 I've got some dry tinder,but everything's so damn. 我找好了生火的...
And then with a bit of vine tied to each corner. 然后用藤条 将各个角绑起来 Then bunch it together.And that is what we're gonna suspend it from. 将蔓藤...
Jaguars are the Americas' biggest and most dangerous wild cat. 美洲豹是美洲最大最凶险的野生猫科动物 Attacks on humans are rare,but they do happen. 虽...
I'm freezing cold from being soaked underground for so long. 在地下浸泡了这么长时间 我全身冰冷 Now I want to get moving to get some heat back into my ...