I'm gonna wrap a small stone in material cut from my pack to make a climbing nut, 我要从背包上割下一片布料 包住一块小石头 做成一个岩石锥 then jam that...
Caves often look completely different when you retrace your steps. 而当你原路返回时 就会发现洞穴已经完全不同了 So keep looking behind you,and make a m...
Watch out where you're treading.And these are gonna be edible. 小心脚下 这些都能吃 You don't want to eat them raw.Really, you want to cook shellfish a...
I'm gonna stick with the river for now. 我暂时要在河里行走一段时间 It's easier going than thrashing through all that dense jungle. 要穿过稠密的丛林 这...
I'm in Guatemala,a country ravaged by natural disasters.I've just reached that ledge under me. 我在危地马拉 一个被自然灾害严重损害的国家 我刚好抵达我...
Bending the vine too tightly will weaken it. 藤条绕得太紧只会削弱其力 I'm gonna use some cord from my backpack to secure it to the tree. 我要用我包里...
There's definitely some sort of drop-off ahead. 前方肯定有急降的水流 You can just hear it.Okay, see what I mean? 快听 看见了吧 I better run.Steady up ...
There we go. Get a little muck off it.You see that? 行了 拍掉泥土 看这里 That's why it's called a rhino beetle.You see that horn? 它便是因此得名犀甲虫...
Just horrible.Got to look out an ankle-breaker this terrain is. 这地方真糟糕 鬼地形是个脚踝杀手 Also when you do fall,these rocks are rather sharp, li...
That's the heli out of here.Man, look at this place. 直升机飞走了 看这地方 Am I landing on the moon?We're here. 我这是到了月球吗 我们来到这不毛之地 Th...