I've missed him, and he's gone. 我没抓到 它跑掉了 Man, they're fast!Oh, this is hopeless. 天哪 它游得真快 这下没戏了 With a difficult and strength-sap...
Just seeing a lot of fins around in this shallow lagoon here. 看看这么多的鳍 聚集在这片浅滩 I reckon if I can get ahold of a shark that's small enough...
There's a third, even larger island ahead,which might be worth getting to. 前边是第三个岛 比之前那个更大 值得一去 Thing is it's much further to that t...
I've just spent a night on a desert island in the Torres Strait near Papua New Guinea. 我在巴布亚新几内亚托雷斯海峡 的荒岛上度过了一夜 Quite a crazy n...
Good. We've got supper,at last. 很好 我们最终有晚餐了 I need fire to cook,and there's no shortage of fire-lighting materials. 我需要生火做鱼 这里可不...
Load more line, and then let's go fishing. 穿上线 我们就可以去钓鱼了 But first I need some live bait, 不过首先我要找一些活诱饵 And there's one quick w...
See if it's gonna work.Okay, that'll be good. 看看它好不好用 很不错 A few coconut leaves on this, and I'll be good to go. 再来点椰树叶子 就大功告成了 ...
You see how wet that is already. 你可以看到它现在已经很湿了 Put this underneath and just leave it. 把这个放在下面 不用管它了 With a sustainable water ...
There you go.Scoop that out. 这样 把这个挖出来 The tender coconut seed contains water which will mature into the milk and later into the white flesh o...
Longer and harder work than I thought. 比我想象得更难 更漫长 But we didn't get eaten by a shark,so it's good news. 但是我们没有葬身鲨鱼腹 还算是好的 I...