What's that?Sort of a shove.Shot passed my legs there. 那是什么 铲子似的东西 从我的腿边游了过去 We need to speed up. Get moving. 得加速了 动起来 Shark...
I'm in the Torres Strait,near Papua New Guinea, 我身处巴布亚新几内亚附近 托雷斯海峡中 on a small deserted island where there's little sign of food, wa...
I want to make for the highest point on this ancient volcano 我想登上这座古老火山的最高点 for the best view of what this island has to offer, 以便弄清...
Getting to the crux of it now.One more hold up there. 最关键的时刻到了 那上面还有个支点 I might be able to reach it. 我应该能登上去的 This brittle roc...
For any desert-island survivor,the priorities are protection,rescue, water, and food. 对于荒岛求生者而言 必先找到栖身之处 寻求救援 寻找水源和实物 But ...
Many shark attacks occur in the near-shore waters like this, 这种近岸沙洲或暗礁区域 inside sandbars or reefs,where the sharks feed and get trapped at ...
There are hundreds of islands out here.The vast majority are deserted. 这里有上百座岛屿 大多数都荒无人烟 I'm heading for one of these unpopulated isla...
I'm Bear Grylls.I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth. 我是贝尔格里尔斯 我将向您展示 如何...
And as soon as I was having that thought,bang, I hit him. 正当我想着呢 嘣 就撞上了 It felt like hitting a wall.I thought I'd killed him. 就像撞上一堵...
The priority is to get off this mountain and down to the E.R. 现在最要紧的便是下山 把我送进急诊室 I need to assess this injury properly. 需要准确地诊...