1.《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第8期:目击证人
I was driving along this street. 我就在路上开车啊 The cars were parked just like this. 那些车就像这样停在路边 And boom, out of nowhere, he hits me. 然...
2.《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第7期:混账老板
Yes. Things are great. Great with him. 嗯 很棒 他好我也好 I'm so happy for you. Really. 我真为你开心 真的 I'm so-I'm so happy that you're happy. 我真 ...
3.《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第6期:跟屁虫
Dad, what are you doing? -Oh, right. 爸 你干啥呢 -噢 对 Just, uh, test-driving my new soup strainer. 就是试试我的滤汤器 I dug it out of the Halloween ...
4.《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第5期:有些男生就是笨
Well, do me a favor. The next time you picture me, 求求你了 下次你想象时 leave the underwear out of it. 别想我的内裤 Well, don't you worry. The only t...
5.《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第4期:销售之友
*Driving in my car* *开着我的小车呀* *I'll let you see my scar* *给你看我的伤疤* What the hell? 搞毛啊 Some people call me a salesman. 有人说我是销售...
6.《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第3期:喜爱汗蒸
Why, Cam? 为啥 小卡 So at parties 那样参加派对时 I can tell everyone my partner is one of the Supremes. 我就可以向大家卖弄我男友法力高强 There he is-t...
7.《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第2期:为家庭放弃事业
I will have you know that I had quite the little career going. 跟你们说 当年我可是前途大好 I was an account manager at Starcrest Hotels. 我那时可是星...
8.《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第1期:分手
Those pancakes smell great. 嗯 薄饼闻起来不错哟 What are you doing with those? 你穿那些是要上哪儿啊 Luke and I are doing a recycling drive. 卢克和我准...
9.《摩登家庭》第1季第13集 第20期:为了所爱的人改变
Haley, sweetie, wake up. 海莉 甜心 醒醒 What? - I need you to teach me to use the TV. 干嘛 -教教我怎么用电视吧 Now? Why can't Dad teach you? 现在 为什...
10.《摩登家庭》第1季第13集 第19期:遇上真命天子
What do you think? 你们觉得怎么样 Look at you! 看看你 Really? 真的吗 You're gonna be fighting men off with a stick. 男人会围着你转的 赶都赶不走 I don'...