1.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第12期:上天待我不公
Your attention, please. 请注意 Will Manny Delgado please report to Gate 22-A? 请曼尼迪尔加多到22A登机口 Manny Delgado to Gate 22-A. 曼尼迪尔加多到22A...
2.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第11期:破窗而入
What are you doing? 你在干嘛 Just making it a little tougher on the next guy. 提防着下次再有人想破窗而入 You got to get up pretty early- Son of a- 聪...
3.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第10期:毛贼入室行窃
Oh, no! - What? 我去 -怎么了 My keys! 我的钥匙 Stay awake, sweetie. Stay awake. 撑住啊 宝贝 别睡着 Whee! Oh, no. 瞧 噢不 This is where your Realtor tr...
4.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第9期:看多几眼
Jay? - Oh, I'm sorry. 杰 -抱歉 I was just thinking how tragic it would be 我只是在想如果我一不小心 if I fell into that volcano. 掉进火山可就悲剧了 Ay,...
5.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第8期:紧张
It's all about knowing the route. 关键在于要熟悉路线 You're talking to a guy who made his way 你面前的可是靠蹬三轮车 through college by driving a pedi...
6.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第7期:跳上芭蕾
Look, Mom, I'm pregnant. 看 老妈 我怀孕了 Yeah. You still gotta take your Dramamine. 好的 不过你还是得吃晕海宁 Oh, does somebody get a little motion s...
7.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第5期:欲速则不达
We've been over this. Air travel is incredibly safe. 我们不是聊过了嘛 航空旅行非常安全 I know. I know. But at the end of the day, 我知道 我知道的 不过...
8.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第4期:小紧张
Daryl- See if you can stall the plane. 达里尔 想个法子让飞机晚点起飞 That's- I will get to you later. 这个...我待会儿再付给你 I really- I really don't...
9.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第3期:拍10个月大孩子马屁
Oh, that's all right. I have cash. 没事 我有现金 No, no. I can't get on the plane without my I.D. 不是 我没带身份证不能登机 - Thanks a lot, Cam. - How...
10.《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第2期:夏威夷气息
We're gonna go to a luau, 我们要吃夏威夷野猪宴 swim with the Miami Dolphins, 跟迈阿密海豚一起游泳 take a tour in one of those, the- 坐着那啥啥环游 - H...