1.摩登家庭第六季 第184期:你应该试试赢那只大象
Look, I know it was rough on you and Mitch having a famous dad, you know, getting your picture taken in restaurants. 听着,我知道有一个出名的的老爸对...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第183期:乔要开始戒奶嘴了
What are you doing? 你在干什么? I am gathering every binky that is in this house, because from today on, Joe is going cold turkey. 我要把屋子里的所有...
3.摩登家庭第六季 第182期:你7岁就跳华尔兹?
Okay, Lily, ballet at 11:00, then a playdate, then karate class at 3:00, so why don't you go get your uniform? 好了,莉莉,11点上芭蕾课之后和小伙伴一...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第181期:我没加你好友
Wow, first of all, it's called privacy. 首先,这叫隐私。 Google it. 不信去查。 Second, I married a cronut. 第二,我嫁给了一个甜甜圈。 What? 什么? Las...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第180期:你怀了安迪的孩子
Look...you're in the eye of the tornado right now, and you can't see anything but your life swirling around you. 你现在正处在龙卷风的中心,除了看到你...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第179期:我想我的闺女
I miss my little girl! 我想我的闺女! Claire, don't do that. 克莱尔,别那么做。 Yes, Claire, don't do that! 对,克莱尔别那么做! Look...You're not gon...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第178期:老娘大学毕业了
His last name is Bailey? 他姓贝利吗? Oh, my god, she's gonna be Haley Bailey. 老天啊,她以后要叫海莉贝利了。 Wait. I just thought of something. - Wha...
8.摩登家庭第六季 第177期:他是个有呼吸的男的
Even if Haley was attracted to him, I would hope she would have the decency and the self-control-- 就算海莉喜欢他,我也希望她有点自尊心和自控能力... O...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第176期:像以前西部片里的型男
Hey, Mitch, I'm liking the new hat. 米奇尔,我喜欢这顶新帽子。 It gives you some presence. - What you getting at, dad? 让你看起来不一样了。-你想说什么...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第175期:做那个可爱的动作
Come on. 不是吧。 And -- oh, God! 天呐! Honey, she's at a wedding chapel! 亲爱的,她在一间婚礼教堂里! Okay, that's troubling, but think about it. 好...