1.摩登家庭第六季 第194期:让我们释放战争恶魔
I'm not sure some of this just isn't natural order of things. 我不太确定可能这就是自然规律。 Bogey at 10:00! Move it! 敌人在十点钟方向,行动起来 This ...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第193期:我是个臭脾气老头
It worked. He stopped crying. 起作用了,他不哭了。 Oh, so good for him. I'm glad. So listen. 真好,我很高兴,听我说。 Who are these beautiful people? ...
3.摩登家庭第六季 第192期:抱歉没赶上嘉年华
Too bad your girlfriend couldn't be here. 你女朋友不在真是太可怜了。 Beth is real. 贝丝是真人。 I know that. 我知道。 No. 不。 Beth is real. 贝丝是真...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第191期:不要乱发小广告
Will always love you 会一直爱你 Can you believe that? - No. 你信吗?-当然不信。 Okay, now we can leave. Let's go out the side door. 行了,撤吧,从偏门...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第190期:有人受不了激烈的赛况
Are you guys okay? - Yeah. 你们没事吧?-没事。 This isn't over yet! You know that! 这事没完!你心里清楚! Oh, God! Dad! 天呐!老爸! Phil! 菲尔! Dron...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第189期:"猎物"上钩了
Oh, I think our firm donated one of our old fax machines to you guys. 我们公司好像把一台旧传真机捐给你们了。 We better go. We're moving closer because...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第188期:我炒不了我爸
You see that was exactly the same, right? 你也觉得跟刚才完全一样,对吧? I do. 是的。 So what does it mean? I don't know. 那句话什么意思?-我不知道。 ...
8.摩登家庭第六季 第187期:无人机对战傻瓜
Oh, I thought you had a date. 我还以为你有约会呢。 I did, but I bailed. He's not exactly the sharpest shed. 是啊,但我不去了,他不怎么聪明。 What is h...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第186期:每个人都是功夫高手
And just like that, it disappears. 就那样,它消失了。 In his defense, the water's really cold. 帮他说句话,水真的很冷。 You're still rehearsing. 你们...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第185期:变态又在盯着你看了
So this Beth, who I've never actually met, is she one of those real-life move-around girls? 这个我从来没见过的贝丝,她是真正的活生生的姑娘吗? No, she...