1.摩登家庭第六季 第164期:阿锈和爱爱船的故事
You spent the whole weekend rehashing stories about itchy, rusty, and loveboat. 你整个周末都在重温阿痒、 阿锈还有爱爱船的故事。 How is that fun for me...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第163期:亚洲女人手法不对
Exactly. Lily could have a baby brother. 没错,也可以给莉莉添个小弟弟。 But there are systems in place here. 但还有制度管着呢。 You can't just keep hi...
3.摩登家庭第六季 第162期:我更喜欢走慈爱路线
No. I'm more of a lover than a fighter. 不,比起斗殴,我更喜欢走慈爱路线。 Well, that's the goal, anyway. 反正我的目标也是这个。 Okay, papi, whatever ...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第161期:你已经很威猛了
Excuse me. 借过。 Phil. It's me. - Oh, hey. 菲尔,是我。-是你啊。 What are you doing back here? - I need a break from the woman I'm sitting next to up...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第160期:余震依然绵绵不断
Ugh. This is a true disaster. - Isn't it? 这真是一场灾难。-不是吗? Someone put a Spanish roof on what is clearly a mid-century ranch. 有人把西班牙式...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第159期:女酒鬼抛弃了私生子
Actually, we're gonna take off soon, so we're gonna need you to turn off your phone. 实际上我们很快就要起飞了,所以我们需要你关掉手机。 I'm actually n...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第158期:别偷窥我的手机
Oh, and don't go looking around on there. 别偷窥我的手机。 It's not gonna make you like me more. 不会让你们更喜欢我的。 's-scuse me. I think you're in...
8.摩登家庭第六季 第157期:那孩子天生不会打架
You know, we're running out of places to send him where he can be cool. 我们都不知道能送他去哪里他会是酷学生了。 I know. Enough is enough. 我知道,真...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第156期:一帮汉子一起送礼
Everybody, Sal's here. 各位,萨尔到了。 Okay. - All right. 好了。-好了。 Is this straight? 条幅直吗? You're throwing a baby shower with a dozen men i...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第155期:头等舱有一个空座
Okay. Found you. 好了,找到你们了。 I do have an open seat in first class, if one of you would like a free upgrade. 头等舱有一个空座,如果你们其中一人...