1.摩登家庭第六季 第154期:我妻子会看见你的
Where are you going? 你要去哪? Sorry. Aren't -- aren't we -- 抱歉,我们难道不是要... Don't, don't beg. 别求我。 It's beneath you. 有点尊严吧。 But I ...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第153期:还差一分钟就十二点了
There I must passionately disagree. 我不得不说我非常不同意。 Or was that your game all along? 还是说你故意来这招的? Okay, if it's an argument you wan...
3.摩登家庭第六季 第152期:男朋友不再付我的账单
Wait a minute. Did-- did you give us that because Cooper and I talked about opening up a little cheese shop? 等等...你们送那个给我们是因为库珀和我提起...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第151期:我是你儿子的朋友
Sonia, I'm an idiot. 桑娅,我真是太傻了。 I jumped to some crazy conclusions today. 我今天乱下结论。 I mean, I could say it's because of Valentine's o...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第150期:她想要据你为己有
Oh, my god. 天呐。 She wants me out of the picture, too. 她也想除掉我。 Of course. 当然了。 Young woman meets a wealthy, older man. 年轻女人遇到个富有...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第149期:我丈夫爱上了另一个女人
Then I put my finger on it -- My husband's in love with another woman. 然后我知道是什么不对劲了...我丈夫爱上了另一个女人。 You like that, don't you? -...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第148期:一夜
That was the most exciting night of my life. 那是我有生以来最刺激的一夜。 Would it break the mood if I clapped a little? 要是我鼓掌的话会不会破坏气氛...
8.摩登家庭第六季 第147期:独居妹妹抱着你腿不放
A little champagne, and dinner will be ready in 10 minutes. 喝点香槟酒,晚饭十分钟就好。 Ay, gracias! 谢谢! Oh, Jay, thank you so much for my new bra...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第146期:做梦跳火箭女郎舞
Where's Cam? - Uh, tinkling again. 小卡呢?-又去厕所了。 Nature calls so often, I think she has him on speed dial. 大自然召唤得太勤了,可能把他列入快...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第145期:观光电梯上的绝美的风景
Darn it! 该死! My showing was pushed up tomorrow morning. 我带客户看房的事提前到明早了。 I-I may have to make it an early one. 我也许得早点回去。 Are...