1.摩登家庭第六季 第144期:我太吸引小姨子了
Oh, Jay, it's so beautiful. 杰,好漂亮。 I don't know what to...Thank you! 我不知道该怎么...谢谢你! When will I learn? 我什么时候会学到教训? I'm cat...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第143期:桑娅毁了我的情人节
Yes, I got that from the...whimsical phrasing. 是的,看到这异想天开的措辞我就知道了。 Are you sure you won't stay for one more, especially now since I...
3.摩登家庭第六季 第142期:只有小姑娘才会在乎情人节
You don't have to do that for me, Gloria. 你不用为了我这么做,歌洛莉亚。 I usually spend Valentine's Day selling artificial flowers near the well in m...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第141期:我以为我们是相爱的
Oh, and here's s-something you can...put in the other room. 这里有个礼物麻烦你放到其他房间。 That was hard. - So hard. 好艰难。-太艰难了。 Probably ho...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第140期:晚上变身间谍
Honey? 亲爱的? Did you remember to give Alex and Luke their lunch money? 你记得给艾丽克斯和卢克午饭钱了吗? Ma'am, yes, ma'am. 记得,长官。 What abou...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第139期:终于不用听她打呼噜了
His rash came back. 他的皮疹又复发了。 No. You must have some Stella on you. 不。你的手肯定沾到了斯黛拉的狗毛。 No, no, I went to straight to the club...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第138期:这白痴居然觉得你幽默
I can't believe these idiots think you're funny. 真不敢相信,这些白痴居然觉得你幽默。 Okay. You know, I have a theory why people here don't like you. ...
8.摩登家庭第六季 第137期:一头茶杯猪在弹钢琴
Hey, dad, check out this video. It's a teacup pig playing a piano. 老爸,来看这个视频。一头茶杯猪在弹钢琴。 I saw that. Andy sent it to me. 我看过了,...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第136期:那个家族太累人了
I was tired from the marathon. 我跑完马拉松太累了。 The Downton Abbey Marathon? 看《唐顿庄园》马拉松吗? That family is exhausting. 那个家族太累人了。...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第135期:贾斯汀愿意跟他合个影
I'm so sorry for wasting your time. This was a big mistake. I'm probably not Princeton material anyways. 很抱歉浪费了你的时间。我犯了个大错。我也许不...