1.摩登家庭第六季 第274期:你是他的新宠
Gloria, would you tell your cousin to stop leaving his trash everywhere? 歌洛莉亚,你可以告诉你的表亲不要再到处乱扔垃圾了吗? It's been five days of t...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第273期:你的演讲真精彩
Here she is! 大才女驾。 Thanks for being there, you guys. 到感谢你们出席我的毕业礼。 We wouldn't have missed it, sweetie. Your speech was fantastic. ...
3.摩登家庭第六季 第272期:乐意在女儿面前表达感受
I know someday I'm gonna lose you to another woman, and I'll find a way to be okay with it. 我知道将来我要把你交到别的女人手上,但是我会想办法接受的。...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第271期:成为学校最漂亮的女孩
Okay, Lily, we think that maybe you don't get emotional because daddy gets, you know, so emotional because he kind of handles the emotions for the ent...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第270期:没想到您会亲自出现
Jay? - Hey, Dan! Gee, I didn't think you'd show up in person. 杰?-是丹啊!天哪,我没想到您会亲自出现。 Claire, this is the big cheese, Dan Signer. 克...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第269期:你在意过我的去留吗
I made that. 这都归功于我。 Hey, you wanted to see me? 你想见我? Just got off the phone with Dan Signer. - Who? 刚跟丹希格诺打完电话。-谁? He's one ...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第268期:身边全是高智商的书呆子
It's just something I've-- I've been wondering about, you know. Like, we live together, so you don't have to call me, 我一直...我一直在想我们现在住在...
8.摩登家庭第六季 第267期:我就是个妈宝男
Okay, name, age...street name? Like you're in a gang? 名字,年龄...街道名?黑帮里的那种外号吗? I don't want to go to camp with Kylie now! It's disgus...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第266期:我在跟我妈约会
Some things are just more important than money, and for me that includes my fam-- 生活中有比钱更重要的东西,对我来说那包括我的家... Man, that smarts. ...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第265期:你害她对正常的情感麻木了
Mitchell? What's wrong? 米奇尔?出什么事了? I feel like Lily's inability to show feelings for other people might be my fault. 我觉得莉莉对人这么冷漠...