I want a virgin screwdriver. 我想要杯伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒 Margaux? 玛尔戈红 I mess up one order when I'm 14, 我十四岁时弄错了这酒名 and you'll never let m...
There are much nicer places to get a drink. 可以喝酒地方多了去了 Some of them are even open. 还都不是闭门谢客的 Just... Getting a little fresh air. 就...
Finally achieving the immortality You've always hoped for. 终于得到你希望的永垂不朽了 Oh,no,my legacy lies in the work I'm getting done. 不 我能完成工...
Wait. You didn't tell him I was president of the inner circle, did you? 等等 你没告诉他我是核心组织的头儿吧 I haven't seen him. 我没见过他 After Decla...
Only took ten years to return the favor. 只花了十年时间来回报人情 I was kinda hoping you'd have to repay this one never. 我倒是有点希望你永远不必还这...
Charlotte. 夏洛特 Oh, my, I wasn't expecting you for a couple of weeks. 天啊 我还以为这几周你都不会来 Well, apparently, we no longer own property in P...
Can I help you? 有事吗 Patrick? 帕特里克 Hello, mother. 你好 妈妈 You know, folks, let's not let Declan Porter's death 朋友们 想起德克兰波特的牺牲时 s...