

时间:2018-10-16 02:09:18



 Now I dress in a way that it sounds good.  现在我会穿听起来悦耳的。

So today I'm dressed in C major,  今天我的穿着基于C大调,
so it's quite a happy chord1. 这是个愉快的和弦。
If I had to go to a funeral, though,  如果我需要去参加一个葬礼,
I would dress in B minor2, which would be turquoise3, purple and orange. 那么我会穿B小调的衣服,也就是蓝绿色的,紫色和还有橙色。
Also, food, the way I look at food has changed,  还有,食物,我看待食物的方式也变了,
because now I can display the food on a plate,  因为现在我能把食物组合好放在盘子里,
so I can eat my favorite song.  然后我就可以把我喜欢的音乐吃掉。
So depending on how I display it,  这取决于我怎么排列我的食物,
I can hear and I can compose music with food.  我能听见食物也能和食物一起作曲了。
So imagine a restaurant where we can have, like,  设想一下有这么一家餐厅,
Lady Gaga salads as starters. I mean,  供应Lady Gaga沙拉作为开胃菜。我想,
this would get teenagers to eat their vegetables, probably.  这样可能会鼓舞一些年轻人多吃蔬菜,也许吧。
And also, some Rachmaninov piano concertos4 as main dishes, and some Bjork or Madonna desserts, 还有,餐厅供应拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴协奏曲作为主菜,还有Bj?rk乐队或麦当娜甜点,
that would be a very exciting restaurant where you can actually eat songs.  那这家餐厅一定很赞,你都能在那里吃音乐了。
Also, the way I perceive beauty has changed,  还有,我对美的感知也产生变化了,
because when I look at someone, I hear their face,  因为当我看一个人时,我能听到他的脸,
so someone might look very beautiful but sound terrible.  所以可能有人看起来很美但听起来却很恐怖。
And it might happen the opposite,  相反的情况也可能发生,
the other way around. So I really enjoy creating, like,  看起来恐怖听起来悦耳。所以我很享受
sound portraits of people.  创造人的声画像,
Instead of drawing someone's face, like drawing the shape,  而不是画出他的样子,画出他的轮廓。
I point at them with the eye and I write down the different notes I hear, and then I create sound portraits. 我用一只眼看着他们,同时写下我听到的不同音符,然后创出声画像。
Here's some faces.  这些是他们的脸。
Yeah, Nicole Kidman sounds good. 嗯,妮可基德曼听起来还不错。
Some people, I would never relate, but they sound similar.  有些听起来相似的人脸,我之前怎样也无法关联起来。



1 chord TnTy6     
  • Her speech struck a deep chord in my heart.她的话深深地拨动了我的心弦。
  • This is a chord of a circle.这是个圆的弦。
2 minor e7fzR     
  • The young actor was given a minor part in the new play.年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。
  • I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。
3 turquoise Uldwx     
  • She wore a string of turquoise round her neck.她脖子上戴着一串绿宝石。
  • The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise.那些女人戴着由绿松石制成的精美项链。
4 concertos 20627289424a826f6e66adca72c0d5c9     
n. [音]协奏曲
  • I once heard Brendel play all the Beethoven concertos. 有一次,我听了布伦德尔演奏贝多芬全部的协奏曲。
  • The six finalists then played two piano concertos each. 然后,六名决赛选手每人演奏了两首钢琴协奏曲。

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