时间:2018-10-22 01:42:36
So I want to tell you a story -- an encouraging story 我想给大家讲个故事,很鼓舞人心,
about addressing desperation, depression and despair in Afghanistan, 是有关解决阿富汗的绝望和抑郁的故事,
and what we have learned from it, and how to help people to overcome traumatic experiences 我们从中可学到什么,如何帮助人们克服创伤经历留下阴影的办法,
and how to help them to
regain1 some confidence in the time ahead, in the future 以及如何帮助他们找回自信和对未来的自信,
and how to participate again in everyday life. 以及如何重新参与到日常生活中。
So, I am a Jungian psychoanalyst, and I went to Afghanistan in January 2004, by chance, on an assignment for Medica Mondiale. 我的职业是心理分析师,由于偶然的机会,我在2004年7月去了趟阿富汗,去做一项医学调查。
Jung in Afghanistan -- you get the picture. 这就是荣格在阿富汗--你们看到了这张照片。
Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, and 70 percent of the people are
illiterate2. 阿富汗是世界上最贫穷的国家之一,百分之七十的人民都是文盲。
War and
malnutrition3 kills people together with hope. 战争和营养不良不仅扼杀了他们的生命,还扼杀了希望。
You may know this from the media, but what you may not know is that the average age of the Afghan people is 17 years old, 你可能从各种媒体中知道了这点。但是你可能不知道的是阿富汗人的平均寿命是17岁,
which means they grow up in such an environment and -- I repeat myself -- in 30 years of war. 这意味着,我再重复一遍,他们从小生长在长达30年的战争中。
So this translates into
ongoing4 violence, foreign interests,
bribery5, drugs, 他们的生活环境是持续的战争,外国利益集团的觊觎、商业贿赂、毒品、
ethnic6 conflicts, bad health, shame, fear and
cumulative7 traumatic experiences. 宗教冲突、糟糕的健康状况、羞愧、恐惧以及持续的创伤经历。
Local and foreign military are supposed to build peace together with the
donors8 and the governmental and non-governmental organizations. 当地和外国部队的任务仅仅是与捐款人、政府和非政府组织一起建立起和平的秩序。
And people had hope, yes, but until they realized their situation worsens every day 人民有一些希望,但是当他们认识到他们的处境每日都在恶化,
either because they are being killed or because, somehow, they are poorer than eight years ago. 或许是被射杀,或许,变得比8年前更加贫穷。
One figure for that: 54 percent of the children under the age of five years suffer from malnutrition. 有一个数字能够说明这种情况:五岁以下的儿童中有百分之五十四的人都饱受营养不良症的折磨。