时间:2018-10-22 02:01:31
Originally1, it was meant to be from Beijing, the northern capital to Nanjing, the southern capital. 最初,我们打算从北京一路走到南京。
But I walked a little bit too fast and I got there three weeks early 但我走的太快了点,我提前三周走完了全程,
and Xuelin said you've arrived three weeks early, well, now you can walk on to my home city, which is Hangzhou 雪琳说既然我提前了三周完成目标,我可以继续往南去她的家乡杭州,
and that's how it became that we walk for peace to Nanjing and love for Hangzhou. 这也是为什么我到南京的这段旅程是和平之旅,而后又开启了前往杭州的爱情之旅。
And that was an amazing time. 这是一个很棒的时刻。
I remember one afternoon, we've been walking for three weeks out of Beijing, 我记得有一天下午,那时候我们已经从北京出发走了三周了,
I have to say many things that are said about walking, 我得说一说我走出北京以后的一些事,
but often walking as I found when I set off through Beijing, I was
overtaking2 the traffic 我一路走来发现我的速度比北京路上的各种交通工具更快,
as I walked down through the
various3 ring roads to the five, six ring road. 我沿着各种环形路走到五环六环。
And we walked about three weeks and it was during the August, so it was very hot temperatures. 我们走了大约三周,那时候是八月份,气温很高。
We started to climb high to the Taian mountains in Shandong province 我们开始爬山东省泰安的山脉。
and we moved into Shandong province and into the Taian mountains. 我们进入山东省,进入泰安山脉。
And it was beautiful countryside. 那是一个非常美丽的乡村。
It's one of the things worth remembering about China is, of course, that a lot of people are looking China and saying, 关于中国,不可不提的当然是很多人都认为
well, it's an
economic4 miracle5, well, it's already been mentioned. 中国是一个经济奇迹,这已经被多次提到。
This miracle has actually been happening almost every century for the past three thousand years. 在过去的三千年里,这个奇迹几乎在每个世纪都会发生。
We arrived in a small village called Shenjiatun, I just pictured in the mountains
nowhere6 around, hardly a road to be seen. 我们来到一个叫沈家屯的小村庄。它位于山中,比较偏僻,几乎看不到路。