时间:2018-10-22 08:45:13
Great things happen at intersections2. 交叉点是个产生奇迹的地方。
In fact, I would argue that some of the most interesting things of the human experience occur at the intersections, 实际上,我想说,人类历史上许多最伟大的事情都发生在交叉点,
in the liminal space, where by liminal I mean the space in-between. 发生在中间地带,所谓中间地带,意思是位于交汇处的空间。
There's freedom in that in-between, freedom to create from the indefiniteness of not-quite-here, not-quite-there, a new self-definition. 那里有自由,这种自由,来源于不确定性,是一种全新的自我定义。
Some of the great intersections of the world come to mind, 说几个世界上最有名的交叉点吧,
like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, or Times Square in New York City, 巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔,还有纽约的时代广场,
bustling3 with the excitement of a seemingly endless stream of people. 两者都人潮涌动,热闹异常。
Other intersections, like the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, 还有其他的交叉点,比如阿拉巴马州塞尔玛市的埃德蒙佩特斯大桥,
or Canfield Drive and
Copper4 Creek5 Court in Ferguson, Missouri, 还有密苏里州弗格森市的坎菲尔德路和铜溪路交汇处,
also come to mind because of the tremendous energy at the
intersection1 of human beings, 那里是人类巨大能量的交汇处,
Beyond the physical landscape of our planet, some of the most famous
celestial8 images are of intersections. 除了陆地上的物理景观,一些最著名的天体现象也发生于交叉点。
Stars are born at the messy intersection of gas and dust,
instigated9 by gravity's irrevocable pull. 恒星诞生于气体和尘埃的交汇,被万有引力拉拽在一起。
Stars die by this same intersection, this time flung outward in a violent collision of smaller atoms, 恒星的死亡同样来源于交汇,但这次是向外抛出,比较小的原子经过剧烈碰撞,
intersecting and
efficiently10 fusing into altogether new and heavier things. 互相交汇,发生高效核聚变反应,生成新的更重的物质。
We can all think of intersections that have special meaning to us. 我们都能想到对自己有特殊意义的交叉点。
To be
intersectional11, then, is to occupy a position at an intersection. 而成为“交叉点的”,意思是在交叉点占有一席之地。