I'm drawn to a lovely quote by St. Augustine in The City of God, where he says, It's a sin to judge any man by his post. 我很喜欢圣奥古斯丁在上帝之城...
You know, in the Middle Ages, in England, when you met a very poor person, that person would be described as an unfortunate 你知道,在中世纪的英国,当...
It's probably as unlikely that you would nowadays become as rich and famous as Bill Gates, 今日你变得像比尔盖茨一样,有钱又出名的机会, as it was unli...
There are other reasons why it's perhaps harder now to feel calm than ever before. 还有一些其他理由让我们比过去更难获得平静。 One of these, and it's p...
And the dominant kind of snobbery that exists nowadays is job snobbery. 今天,最主要的势利就是对职业的势利。 You encounter it within minutes at a part...
For me they normally happen, these career crises, often, actually, on a Sunday evening, just as the sun is starting to set, 我经常对事业感到恐慌,周日...
And so the sins of the parents are visited on the poor children. 然后父母的罪恶就在可怜的孩子们身上应验了。 Why will you seek refuge in human relation...
And what do you say? You say, you say, That's risky, kid. Might fail, kid. 然后你说什么?你说,你说,嗯...那样比较不保险,孩子。有可能会失败,孩子。 D...
What do you want me to say? 你们想让我说什么? Now, do you really want me to say now, tell you, Really, I swear I don't kick children. 现在,你们真的...
And if you don't find the highest expression of your talent, if you settle for interesting, 而且如果你找不到你才能的最高表达,如果你在有意思这里止步不...