I have a friend, proposed to his sweetie. He was an economically rational person. 我有个朋友,向他女友求婚。他是个会过日子的人。 He said to his sweeti...
So let's deal with those of you who are trying to find your passion. 所以咱们假设,咱们来处理一下你们当中想追寻梦想的人。 You actually understand that...
And then, of course, another excuse: Well, I would do this, I would do this, but, but -- well, after all, I'm not weird. 然后,当然,另外一个借口:嗯...
I'm not quite sure why you decide not to do it. You're too lazy to do it. It's too hard. 我不太确定你为什么决定不去做。你太懒了。这事太难。 You're afr...
I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you're going to fail to have a great career. 今天下午我想和你们讨论一下你为什么不会成就伟业。 I'm an eco...
So -- Here we are, back at the convention center. 那么,我们现在回到演讲厅。 We've been on a journey, a return journey, of 13.7 billion years. 我们已...
I call this ability collective learning. It's what makes us different. 我把这个叫做集体学习的能力。这使我们如此特殊。 We can see it at work in the ear...
For most of that time of life on Earth, living organisms have been relatively simple -- single cells. 地球的大多数时间,生物体多是以简单的单细胞存在的...
But of course, life is more than just exotic chemistry. 但是当然,生命不仅仅是奇异的化学物质。 How do you stabilize those huge molecules that seem to ...
Now, the going gets tougher. The next stage introduces entities that are significantly more fragile, significantly more vulnerable, 现在,(变化的条件...