1.2021年经济学人 美国债务天花板在哪里
America's debt ceiling 美国的债务上限 Could a zany proposal help avert a debt crisis? 一个滑稽的提议能帮助美国度过债务危机吗? IT IS A mining rock of ...
2.2021年经济学人 美国版块--是袭击还是反恐(2)
Despite Mr Obamas insistence that drones could precisely target Americas enemies, the rising volume of strikes ensured civilian casualties rose also. ...
3.2021年经济学人 美国版块--是袭击还是反恐(1)
War from a distance Droning on 战争就在不远处嗡嗡作响 The president is weighing how extensively to use drones. More civilian casualties abroad seem th...
4.2021年经济学人 社民党占德国大选上风
The world this week - Politics 本周国际要闻政治 After Germanys general election the Social Democrats (SPD) emerged as the largest party, overtaking th...
5.2021年经济学人 美财政部长称不提高债务上限的后果是灾难性的
The world this week - Business 本周国际要闻商业 Janet Yellen, Americas treasury secretary, gave her strongest warning yet on the potential consequence...
6.2021年经济学人 货币的未来
Book and Arts 文学与艺术 Book Review 书评 The end of cash - Kill bills 现金的终结消灭纸币 The Future of Money. By Eswar Prasad. 《货币的未来》,作者:...
7.2021年经济学人 塑料供应短缺,黑胶唱片难产
Business 商业 Supply chains - Out of the groove 供应链节奏之外(译者注:双关,这里既有脱离最佳状态之意,也暗指本文要讲的音乐行业,groove也指节奏) The...
8.2021年经济学人 水产养殖:大规模种植海草(2)
Moreover, seaweed farms bring benefits beyond the immediate value of their crop. 此外,海草养殖场带来的效益超出了其作物的直接价值。 Seaweed is a habit...
9.2021年经济学人 水产养殖:大规模种植海草(1)
Science and technology - Aquaculture: Seaweed at scale 科技板块--水产养殖:大规模的海草 Floating offshore farms should increase production of a useful...
10.2021年经济学人 如何训练奶牛上厕所(2)
The first job was to establish the latrine as the correct place to conduct business. 第一项工作是建立公厕,使其成为排便的正确场所。 Calves were confin...