1.2020年经济学人 开放不再,繁荣落幕(4)
The book ends on an optimistic note. Populist demagogues eventually lose power because they are hopeless at governing. Four in ten wind up being indic...
2.2020年经济学人 开放不再,繁荣落幕(3)
The author is often amusing as well as illuminating. Genghis Khan was a vicious warlord, but his domestic policies would today open him up to accusati...
3.2020年经济学人 开放不再,繁荣落幕(2)
Open is clear, colourful and convincing, marshalling evidence from a range of eras and civilisations. The Roman Empire ceased to prosper when it cease...
4.2020年经济学人 开放不再,繁荣落幕(1)
Books arts 文艺板块 Book review 书评 Globalisation 全球化 Lowering the drawbridge 降下封锁的吊桥 Two books expound the virtues of open societies, past...
5.2020年经济学人 制药公司让特朗普坐冷板凳(2)
Mr Trump has already successfully harried the FDA to authorise drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine, with no scientific evidence for their efficacy. He h...
6.2020年经济学人 前红色高棉监狱长杜赫(2)
It could feed unceasingly Comrade Pol Pots hunger (which had become his own hunger) 它可以源源不断地助涨波尔布特同志铲除资产阶级压迫者阶级, to root o...
7.2020年经济学人 免疫学—初绿萌芽(2)
In the second study, scientists led by Tao Dong, an immunologist at the Medical Research Council (MRC), in Britain, went hunting for T-cells. 在第二个...
8.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 英国禁6人以上聚会 法国疫情反弹 美国疫情驱稳
The UNs nuclear watchdog said Iran has ten times the amount of enriched uranium, a nuclear fuel, permitted under the deal it signed with world powers ...
9.2020年经济学人 制药公司让特朗普坐冷板凳(1)
Business 商业版块 Vaccines 疫苗 Strong medicine 强效药 Drugmakers tell Donald Trump to cool his heels 制药商让唐纳德特朗普坐冷板凳 The worlds 7.5bn pe...
10.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 英欧谈判"战火"升级 白俄反对派领袖遭威胁 希腊难民营被烧毁
The world this week 本周国际要闻 Politics 政治 Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, proposed a unilateral change to parts of the Brexit withdraw...