When your wife is getting dressed in the morning, a finishing touch may be a piece of jewelry, the last thing that she puts on. I'm talking about putt...
You're listening to ESLPod.com's Using English at Work. I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, from the Center for Educational Development. In our last le...
I don't know for sure that this promotion is going to happen, so I don't want to jump the gun by thinking about it too much, because then I may be dis...
A standout (one word) is something that is the best, better than anything else. You might be a standout on the soccer team you play on; you score more...
It's nice to hear someone praise us, because it lets us know that our hard work has been noticed and is being appreciated. It's always a good idea to ...
A heads up is information that you receive before anyone else does. A heads up is an advanced notice. If you're a good customer at a clothing store, t...
The regional manager would be the manager of a certain large area. For example, if a company sold products to all 50 states in the United States, ther...
Before you start on a trip, for example, you might want to get an update on the weather; if the weather is bad, you may change your trip. Progress is ...
You're listening to ESLPod.com's Using English at Work. I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, from the Center for Educational Development. In our seventh...
Back and forth is a conversation where two people alternate in speaking, first I speak, then you speak, and so on and so on. We usually use this expre...